Sunday, November 20, 2011


Good morning everyone and welcome to week number twenty-nine of Morning Cup of Coffee.   We are really getting fall weather here in SoCal.  It is cold (by SoCal standards), and contrary to its reputation, we are getting a change of seasons.  Our trees (at least here in the Inland Empire) are actually changing colors.  It’s not quite Midwest-like, but it is nice to see.
Our discussion last week was based on the following question:
If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?
Everyone had an interesting take.  But for this week, I gotta go with Christina Wilson -no nepotism here.  It was a good posting.  Well, read for yourself and you decide:
Peace. Fighting is ridiculous. I hate you because you eat red meat, you hate me because I voted for Obama, I hate you because you hate me because blah blah. If everyone took all the time they spent hating other human beings and focused it on doing something that brings people together, we could get a couple things done. I believe it will happen someday, but it's depressing because I know none of us will live to see it. I have faith, mankind.... But you gotta want it too.”
See?  I told you so….
Ok, let’s get to today’s topic.  As we do each week, we begin with the rules:
Rule #1 – Absolutely no politics allowed
So, let’s begin. For breakfast, this is something my wife turned me onto years ago.  Pancakes with peanut butter.  Hey, don’t say yuck until you try it.  It is delicious.  So, after a fork full of that, take a good, long sip of house blend coffee with a touch of cinnamon and let’s begin on this 20th day of November 2011.
Today’s topic will be simple and straight to the point.  This is Thanksgiving week, and the question is this:
What are you thankful for?
For me, it’s easy.  First, my health.  Really glad to have that after I was shocked to my toes this year with a heart attack.  I don’t take anything for granted anymore. 
Second, the love and support of my family.  I do not know where I would be without that. 
And finally, I am thankful for everything that we as human beings have had, everything that we currently have, and everything that we will have in the future.  After this, nothing else really matters.
 Ok everyone.  It is your turn.  What are you thankful for?  So, take another bite of the pancakes with peanut butter, and another sip of the house blend (get that caffeine in your system) and start writing.  This is the week of Thanksgiving and we should all pause and give thanks to something in our lives.  No matter how small it may seem, we all have something to be thankful for.  Be honest and have fun with it.
Catch you all on the flipside…..

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